The feud between China's most popular instant messaging software QQ and China's biggest antivirus provider Qihoo 360 is now escalating into an all-out Internet war, with five other Internet firms now banding together to block Qihoo 360 software。
文中的block就是“屏蔽、阻止的意思,也可以用incompatible(不兼容)来表示,即Qihoo 360 software will be incompatible with their software。“可以兼容的软件就称为compatible software(兼容软件)。可与过去的产品、系统或软件相容的新技术就称为backward compatible。
除了计算机、软件领域的“兼容外,compatible还可以表示想法、方法的“兼容,比如Her deeds were compatible with her ideology。(她的行为与她的思想是一致的。)再引申一下,两个人如果能在想法上“兼容,那就是“志趣相投、协调一致了,而且现在的年轻人总爱拿星座来比对,比如According to the zodiac, she is compatible with Aries and Virgo。(根据星座来看,她跟白羊座和处女座的人比较合得来。)
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