发布时间:2013-06-17 编辑:查字典英语网小编
在日常会话中恰到好处地使用习惯用语能让你的语言别有风味。我们今天要学的习惯用语都包括“nail这个词。它作名词时的意思是“钉子,作动词时意为“用钉子钉。1. nail down
从字面上看,nail down意思是“钉下去或者“钉牢。如果把什么东西往下钉在地板上的话,那它的位置就固定不变,成了定局,可以引申为“敲定,例如:
Inailed downa contract to sell a thousand cars. The customer signed all the papers and I've already faxed them back to you.
2. as hard as nails
As hard as nails字面意思是“像钉子一样硬。如果一个人像钉子一样硬的话,那人想必既顽固强硬又无情无义,是个相当难相处的人。例如:
They offered me a good job at that company but I hear that the boss isas hard as nails: one little mistake and you're out on the street the next day looking for a new job。
3. another nail in your coffin
You really ought to stop smoking. Every cigarette you light up isanother nail in your coffin.
这里的another nail in your coffin相当于中文的“催命符,意思是有害健康、危及生命的东西。实际上人们给香烟起的绰号就是coffin nail。
4. hit the nail on the head
木工敲钉子得正敲在它扁平的顶上,才能钉得恰到好处。所以hit the nail on the head用来表示“说话行事恰到好处、正中要害或者十分中肯。例如:
Your analysis reallyhit the nail on the head.