很早就听说过有一种动物叫做变色龙,它们身体的颜色会随着所在环境的变化而变化,这样它们的敌人就很难发现它们了。在我们的生活中,也有这样一类人,他们见不同的人说不同的话,似乎在任何场合都如鱼得水。这样的人就是“社交变色龙。Asocial chameleonis an individual who has the ability to enter social situations and blend in by adopting or mimicking the social norms displayed by the other participants in the situation.
A social chameleon will adopt and reflect the mood and sentiment of the situation and suppress their own. A chameleon will synthesise an opinion or position from observing those displayed by others in the situation, and forget that position when the social situation is left. The ultimate objective of the social chameleon is to blend into the social situation without disturbing that situation.