

发布时间:2013-05-07  编辑:查字典英语网小编



  例:"Where is my watch, dear?"


  "I saw it in your drawer last night."


  例:"Who is it?"


  "It's me, Peter."


  例:Mrs. Huang had a baby last night.It weighs 4 kilos.


  例:What's that?


  It's a silkworm.



  例:"What time is it?"-"It's five to twelve."


  例:"What's the date?"-"It is the third of October."

  (今天几录溉眨咯ぉそ裉焓鞘氯铡#?br> 例:It is very hot in summer.


  例:How far is it from here to the station?


  例:I like it here very much.



  句型It +be…+that(who)…

  例:It was Paul that (who) broke the window.

  (=Paul broke the window.)


  解说 "It… that…"是表达强调的正常句式,但是若强调点是"人",则使用"It…who…"也很普通。本句式可用于一个句子中的任何强调点,例如:

  例:Peter met Helen and Bill at the theater yesterday.

  →It was Peter who met Helen and Bill at the theater yesterday.


  →It was Helen and Bill that Peter met at the theater yesterday.


  →It was at the theater that Peter met Helen and Bill yesterday.


  →It was yesterday that Peter met Helen and Bill at the theater.



  例:It is shameful the way he behaves himself before girls.


  例:It is easy to find fault with others.


  例:It is wrong for you to speak ill of her.


  例:It is a great convenience living / to live in a big city.


  例:It is surprising that she should have married a farmer.


  解说 上面各例句都可以把"It"所代表的实际主语移到句首来,例如:

  The way he behaves himself before girls is shameful.

  To find fault with others is easy.



  例:I consider it wrong to cheat in an examination.


  例:Don't you find it a waste of time watching television too much?


  例:I thought it strange that Jack should have had so much money to spend these days.


  解说 本句式都用于有宾语补语的不完全及物动词的句子,"it"代表着宾语补语之后的实际宾语(不定式、动名词、或that-clause)。本句式的实际宾语不可以移入"it"的位置而把"it"省略。常可用本句式来表达的不完全及物动词有:



  例:Don't let your children play with matches or lighters.It is dangerous.


  例:"Jim can solve that puzzle."


  "I don't believe it."



  例:It happened that I was there then.


  例:It appears that he'll be elected.


  例:It occurred to me then that I had an appointment with her that evening.



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