开场白A: Dear Parents
B: 亲爱的家长们
C: Dear friends
D: 亲爱的朋友们
合:Welcone to our party
A: I'm Anny
B: I'm
C: I'm
D: I'm
A: Today is the children's Day
B: 今天是6 1儿童节
C: And happiness is belong to everyone
D: 而61的快乐是属于大家的
B: Today we're here together
A: 今天我们相聚在这里
D: And enjoy our Party
C: 一起享受我们的晚会
1 CD: Please enjoy singing《童年》
A: Dear daddy
B: Dear mummy
A: I f you love me , Please give me a huge
B: 如果你们爱我请你抱抱我
B: If you love me , Please give me a kiss
A: 如果你们爱我请你亲亲我
A: If you love me , Please give me a big hand
B: 如果你们爱我请你为我们鼓掌
A: If you love me , Please understand me
B: 如果你们爱我请你理解我们
2AB: Please enjoy 《只有你能欣赏我》
A: Today I'm very happy . Are you happy?
CD: Yes
3CD: Please enjoy 二胡弹揍《娃哈哈》
C: Hi! What animals do you like?
D: I like rabbits
C: Oh shall we go to the zoo
D: Ok Let's go to the zoo.
4CD:Please enjoy fashion show
时装秀〈Go to the zoo〉
A: Hi Aiex Do you know Taiwan island?
B: Yes, It's vesy beautiful
AB: Ok Please enjoy小提琴《我爱我的台湾岛》
6ABCD: Cindy, Now It's time to lucky draw
C: 《抽奖》
A: Oh ,everyboby attention
B: Now It's time to go the classroom
7AB: Enjoy 情景剧《subject》课程
C: Dear daddy and mummy
D: 亲爱的爸爸妈妈
D: Thank you for your kindness to bring me up
C: You teach me what should I do
D:You teach me what shouldn , I do
C: Thanks for your hard working
8CD: Please enjoy story (男孩与苹果树)
9A: Please enjoy dance 《甩葱歌》
11C: Now It's time to lucky draw
12A: Do you know Chinese kongfu?
B: Yes con you
A: No
AB: Now let's enjoy kongfu<功夫>掌声欢迎
C: Enjoy cheerful kongfu to everybody
D: Below Please enjoy
15A: Happy Children's Day
B: 61儿童节快乐
B: we are singing
A: We are dancing
B: 我们跳舞
AB: Please enjoy 情景剧
《Happy Children's Day》掌声欢迎
16C: Edelweiss edelweiss
D: 雪绒花啊雪绒花
D: small and white
C: 小而白
C: clean and bright
D: 明而亮
CD: Please enjoy
17A: Today is 周祈竹's birthday party
B: Really?
A: Yes , Let's go to the birthday Party
AB: Please enjoy 情景剧
《happy birthday》掌声欢迎
18ABCD: Now It's Cindy's time
结束语A: Dear Parents
C: Dear friends
B: Thank you for your coming
D: It's time to say goodbye
C: 该到说再见的时间
AB: Good night Everybody
ABCD: Bye! Bye!