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发布时间:2020-09-19  编辑:查字典英语网小编


Seeing that all the children have learned to ride bicycles, I am envious and anxious. Finally, on a Saturday morning, my father and mother accompanied me to the small square, and I began to learn to ride a bike.


Practice began, dad gave me a demonstration, let me see clearly. Then my father said to me, "first, you sit on the car, hold the handlebar with both hands, sit on the car stably, and step on the pedal. My father will hold the bicycle for you and then sit down. You ride hard, don't be afraid." I did as my father told me, but I either couldn't hold the handlebar or forgot the bicycle. I didn't listen at all. The car was always out of balance, but I was not discouraged. I practiced conscientiously. My father encouraged me: "my child, if you keep practicing like this, you will succeed!" Listening to my father's words, I feel happy. Dad helped the car and commanded me. I listened carefully and did it. It really worked. My feet are much more flexible than when I first started. Time passed unconsciously. All of a sudden, Dad shouted happily, "it's a success, it's a success! You've learned to ride a bike! " I quickly stopped the car, only to know that just now Dad did not help the car, but trotted after me. Hearing my father's cheers, I worked harder. At last, I have mastered the essentials of cycling preliminarily. I'm not so happy.


In this way, day after day, year after year practice, now I can easily ride a bike. I have tasted the joy of success and realized that to succeed, we must work hard.


上一篇: 难忘的一件事

下一篇: 我的生日PARTY

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