今天,我们上了一节有趣的语文课。早上,语文老师走进教室,对我们说:“今天我们要玩一个游戏,好不好?”玩游戏,那我们当然会痛痛快快地答应。起码没有像上课那么累,劳逸结合嘛。老师突然又拉开了嗓子:“今天我们玩‘照成语做动作’。” “照成语做动作?”我们问道。“对!玩法是:找一个人说成语,再找几个人扮演成语中的角色,准备好就可以‘开拍’了。”
The students raised their hands high for fear that the teacher would not see them. As a result, I was ordered by the teacher. I said, "wait for the hare!" The teacher came to Qiu Ziwei and Zhong Zhengnan. Qiu Ziwei became a farmer and Zhong Zhengnan became a rabbit. Zhong Zhengnan bumps into Qiu Ziwei's feet. Qiu Ziwei grabs one of Zhong Zhengnan's hands and says, "ha ha, I've got a big male rabbit. It's dinner today!" Qiu Ziwei's words made the students laugh.
"Methotrexate..." This interesting Chinese lesson was spent in the laughter.