

发布时间:2020-09-18  编辑:查字典英语网小编


One thing has been more than two years, but it is still deeply imprinted in my mind, which makes me unforgettable.


One day, I went to my good friend's house to play. The two of us are playing poker in his bed. We are fighting hard. I suddenly feel that there is a hard thing under my butt. I can feel it with my hand. It turned out to be a dollar. I slipped it into my pocket when I didn't pay attention. After I came out of his house, I ran to the door and bought an ice cream. I ate it and went home.


Entering the door, my mother asked, "who bought you the ice cream?" I'm surprised! I picked up a dollar "Where did you pick it up?" "In the little hole in the corner downstairs." "Um! In the little hole in the corner? Let's see! "


When I got downstairs, my mother asked, "which hole?" I pointed to the corner. My mother took out a dollar and handed it to me, saying, "let me have a look!" I bent down and tried, "ah!" Even if I couldn't put it in, my face suddenly became hot, my heart pounded, and I could not say a word. "A man should dare to admit his mistakes. If he doesn't admit them, he is not a good boy." I bowed my head and told my mother. Mom listened, patted my head and said, "you are such a sensible child! Will you give the money back to your friend? " I nodded and turned to my friend's house.

通过这件事,我懂得了一个道理:一个人犯了错误 ,就要及时改正,亡羊补牢——还不算晚。


上一篇: 梦中的公园

下一篇: 难忘的一件事

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