I'm a naughty little boy. I'm ten years old this year. Big head, wearing a pair of glasses, not a low head.
我的胆子可不小,妈妈不让我干什么 我偏要去试一试。妈妈常常告诉我水火无情,所以千万不能玩火。可是我那犟脾气又来了,有一次我和小伙伴就去点了一堆火,正玩得高兴,心想也没有什么吗?就在我往火里添柴,突然一股火苗窜起来,我的手上就感觉向被针扎一样疼痛,通红通红的,瞬间就起了两个大水泡,好痛啊!我还有一个毛病就是粗心,6×3我能算出2,6÷3我倒能算出18来,因而爸爸妈妈天天都会为这事批评我。
I also like reading books. I have to look through the stacks of books for a while every day. Books are like a boat driving me to the ocean of knowledge, enriching my extracurricular life and accumulating new knowledge.
This is me, a naughty, clever little boy. Would you like to make friends with me?
上一篇: 我最珍爱的小熊猫玩具
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