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发布时间:2020-09-17  编辑:查字典英语网小编


Among many cartoon stars, I like robot cat best. It comes from the future world. It uses its magic hundred treasure bags and many wonderful props to help the host Daxiong solve all kinds of difficulties. The story of robot cat brings us into a colorful and imaginative world.


The robot cat has a round head, no ears and big eyes. Its red nose is like a small cherry, and its wide mouth has three beautiful moustaches. Its neck is tied with a small golden bell with a red belt. It has a quadric pocket on its fat stomach. No matter how small the pocket is, it can hold any more things. It has a small tail on its back and a red ball on it.


Why does a robot cat have no ears? There are interesting stories hidden here. At the age of 10, when he took a nap in the afternoon, his ears were gnawed by a machine mouse. The confused doctor in the hospital cut off all his ears, so he was abandoned by his girlfriend. He lost his ears and was very sad. He cried for several days and nights. The bright paint on his body peeled off, leaving only the blue primer. This has become my favorite cartoon star, robot cat.


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