给我一次变的机会, 我就要变成一个永远也吃不完的大面包,让四川省汶川的受灾人民都能吃上面包,让他们不再挨饿。
Give me a chance to change, I will become a magic herbal medicine, so that all the injured victims can recover soon after wiping.
Give me a chance to change, I will become an angel of love, so that everyone has a love, so that all people are pure and kind.
Give me a chance to change, I will become a rag picker, but what I want to pick up is not waste but time. I will give the things I pick up to the people who need time.
Give me a chance to change, I will become a spring, let everyone drink a cool and delicious spring, then your troubles will become your goal, so that you go forward.
Give me a chance to change, I will become a magic tree. The fruit of this tree in autumn is called wish tree. It can realize a wish and ideal of anyone.
Give me a chance to change, I will become a millionaire, let me have intelligent wisdom, the most knowledge and the most healthy body, as well as the most beautiful mind.
Give me a chance to change
To make a mountain out of a molehill 小题大做
Like reality, only better? 喜欢现实, 只会更好?
The future of English 未来的英语语言变化
How to live longer 怎么才能长寿
Until I'm blue in the face 任凭你磨破嘴皮
Pain in the neck 令人讨厌的事情或人
The problem with big brains 聪明大脑所带来的问题
A cashless society 无现金社会
Online Shopping 网上购物-英语点津
Apple’s headphone headache? 令人头疼的新款苹果耳机