体坛英语资讯:Seven-year-old boy signs up for Real Madrid soccer team-查字典英语网
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体坛英语资讯:Seven-year-old boy signs up for Real Madrid soccer team

发布时间:2020-09-15  编辑:查字典英语网小编

BUENOS AIRES, Aug. 5 -- A seven year-old Argentinean boy, whose father works as a soccer player trainer, signed up for the Spanish soccer team Real Madrid.

Miguel Coira, father of Leonel Angel, on Friday told a local radio station, his son signed a contract with the prestigious Spanish team, which makes the boy the youngest booking in the history of Real Madrid.

"He is very good. What is best is that he has fun while he plays, which is the most important thing. He plays with elder boys and he makes the difference," Coira said.

The father said the boy' s idol is Lionel Messi, the star from Barcelona team, the classical rival of Real Madrid and that he "doesn't miss any game".

Coira said another son who is 16 years-old plays in Valladolid team. He added that with his job he can give them both "a very good education, something impossible for me to do in Argentine."

He said he always wanted to do his job in Argentine but there was always trouble from everywhere. The boy was born on March 29, 2004 and will begin training in Real Madrid on September 6th.


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