

发布时间:2020-09-14  编辑:查字典英语网小编


On August 22, 2008, this day that I have been looking forward to finally came, because this is the time for the men's 110m hurdles final of the 29th Olympic Games. What makes me more excited is that as a reporter, I was sent to report on the spot. To know that being a reporter is my childhood ideal, especially to be able to report on the spot the competition of my idol Liu Xiang, which is a beautiful job. The competition was held in the famous "bird's nest" stadium. An hour before the final, I arrived at the venue early. The audience was already full. People held the national flag, raised waves of people regularly, and shouted "athletes, come on"! I was infected by the atmosphere around me. I used the camera in my hand to record every moment from time to time.


At two o'clock sharp, the exciting time finally arrived, and the final began. In addition to Liu Xiang, the "Chinese flying man", Johnson, the "American Flying Man" and Rosie, the "Canadian prodigy" were the athletes who took part in the final This is really a "flying man war"! At this moment, the athletes are all in place. The whole stadium is silent. People hold their breath for fear that the breath will affect the athletes' performance. The tense mood is no less than the athletes on the starting line.


"Bang", with the firing of the starting gun, eight athletes rushed out of the starting point like arrows. "Liu Xiang, come on"! Liu Xiang, come on! The cheers and shouts were deafening. First column, second column, third column At this time, Liu Xiang is behind the American players. Liu Xiang, come on! I can't help but join the shouting team. These cheers seemed to give Liu Xiang enough power, only to see Liu Xiang lightning like to surpass all the players, the first rushed through the end.

“刘翔,赢了”!“刘翔,赢了”!整个体育馆沸腾到了极点。我也被淹没在这个欢乐的海洋之中。刘翔赢了,他不仅获得了金牌,而且还打破了世界纪录。中国赢了,正是有了这枚金牌,中国代表团金牌总数超过了美国代表团,金牌总数具第一位。我以最快的速度向全国人民发布了这个好消息。梦醒了,我细细回忆着这次特别报道的每一个细节,激动的心情久久不能平静。这是一个多么美妙的梦啊! 2008,是中国人民圆多年奥运梦的一年,我,一名小学生,我的梦想就是亲眼目睹奥运五环在我们的身边闪光,用我自己的笔忠实地记录下其点点滴滴,我相信我能做到,这次就算是我的练笔吧。


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