

发布时间:2020-09-14  编辑:查字典英语网小编


I am a lively and cheerful little girl, in addition, I like to keep short hair, and active. Dad always said I was like a naughty tomboy! Dad is right. When I watch TV at home, I can't stay idle. I look left and right. I don't pay attention. I don't have the heart to watch TV.


I'm not only an active girl, but also a girl with a high desire for knowledge. I need to find out everything. One day, I saw an experiment in the book, and I wanted to do it immediately. I said to do it. I immediately brought a basin full of hot water and some matchsticks. Some of them were stained with soapy water, some of them were stained with shampoo...... I put these matchsticks into the hot water basin, and there was no movement at first. After a while, the matchsticks were indeed swimming around the edge of the basin! That's why I believe in the experiment in the book.


My biggest disadvantage is that I am too lazy. I have to get up early in the morning, or I will be late. If I don't eat fast lunch, I have to be criticized. If my homework is slow in the evening, my mother will say that I am. Sometimes I was careless. With my mother's patient guidance and the help of my classmates, I finally overcame my shortcomings and was happy in the bottom of my heart.


If you want to say my ideal, you will be shocked to say it, because my ideal is very far-reaching. As long as you study hard, you will reach my ideal, oh! Forget to say it, my ideal is to be a scientist.


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