There are two little goldfish in my family. They are very beautiful.
The little goldfish is orange all over, like wearing a beautiful gauze skirt. Their heads are big, and their round eyes are fixed on the outside of the fish tank, like black gems; their big mouths are constantly opening and closing. The oval body, like the big tail of a fan, swims in the water with a swing, which is very flexible.
听话,如果水金鱼橘黄色的鱼鲮掉了,它就会死去的。 我家小金鱼吃的是鱼食。它们吃东西的样子非常可爱,只要我向鱼缸里撒点鱼食,它们就立刻用鱼鳍和鱼尾摆动水游过来,张开嘴巴抢鱼食吃。吃一口就跑了,好像害怕我抓它们似的。
当我悄悄离开时,它们又争先恐后地去抢食吃。 小金鱼不停地游来游去,好像不知道疲倦似的。
我不知道小金鱼什么时候睡觉,它晚上睁着大眼睛漂在水面上,我想这可能就是它在睡觉吧。 我爱我家的小金鱼,希望它们能快乐地生活着。