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发布时间:2020-09-13  编辑:查字典英语网小编


Today, I have a problem, the problem is: headache. I analyzed the possibility that my cold is not good, because the symptoms are: headache, nausea, vomiting! There are no adults at home. I want to wait for them to come back, but I feel very sad! Suddenly, I thought of the teacher telling us how to make a cold when the adults are away. I saved enough money first, drank some hot water, used the pocket money I saved to buy medicine. So I took my pocket money, put on my clothes and pants, went to Tongrentang drugstore to buy counterfeit medicine. My aunt introduced several kinds of medicine to me. I read the instructions carefully, chose and my condition The concordant benevolence and medicine rushed home.


When I got home, I poured a cup of hot water, put the cold medicine in the cup, mix it with chopsticks and drink it. After drinking a few more glasses of water, I fell asleep under the covers. When I woke up, I found that I was sweating a lot and my head didn't hurt.


Today, I'm very happy because I grew up. When the adults came back, they praised me. Then I'll make a happy phone call and ask my friends to play in the yard.


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