

发布时间:2020-09-13  编辑:查字典英语网小编


On Sunday morning, Xiaoxiong invited Mickey Mouse and Donald Duck to a small river 30 meters away from Xiaoxiong's house for a fishing match. When Mickey mouse got the tools ready, he went to find Donald Duck. Just as Donald Duck came out of the house, they went to the river together. When they came to the river, they found the bear had been waiting for them.


At the beginning of the game, Donald Duck just put the fishing rod into the water for a while, and Mickey Mouse caught a fish. Donald duck was worried. He drank water for a while, and ran to see how many fish the little bear caught for fear of falling behind others.


An hour later, Donald looked at Mickey Mouse's bucket and bear's bucket again, his head lowered, and he silently sat back in his position: there are seven fish in Mickey Mouse's bucket, and there are six fish in bear's bucket, while Donald Duck's bucket only has half a bucket of water dangling around, as if laughing at the downcast Donald Duck: if you don't pay attention, you won't get anything ... Bear looked at Donald Duck's empty bucket, then at his listless appearance, patted him on the shoulder: "don't worry, let's try it together."


After a while, the little bear gently waved his hand to stop Donald Duck. After a while, the line moved again. The little bear still motioned for Donald Duck to stay. The line moved again and began to sink. The little bear motioned for Donald Duck to quickly pull up the rod - ah, what a big fish Being dumped on the bank, Donald Duck hurried to catch the big fish into his bucket.


At the end of the game, bear first, Mickey Mouse second, Donald Duck third, Donald Duck said unconvinced, "let's come here next Saturday to compete?"


Another Saturday afternoon, their competition began again, because the last time they won the first prize, the little bear was a little proud, and began to look around: a butterfly was dancing, the beautiful dance made him dazzled, and he had forgotten about fishing. But for Mickey Mouse's loud reminder, his fishing rod was almost dragged away by a big fish. Although the fishing rod was snatched back, the big fish had already escaped.


Donald Duck is very serious this time. He sits in his own position and keeps his eyes on the fish line. He doesn't let a little wind and grass move. Even if a shrimp is jumping, he can see it. In a short time, he caught seven fish and Mickey Mouse seven.


Later, Mickey Mouse caught three more fish, winning the championship with ten fish results, Donald Duck won the second place with seven FISH results, and bear only caught three fish, ranking third. Bear is very sorry, he thought, do things need to concentrate, also can't be complacent, in order to maintain the results.


What would happen if there were a third fishing match? Please guess.


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下一篇: 学游泳

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