Fruit is my favorite, pineapple, coconut, dragon fruit I drool at the mention of them. But recently I don't know how, the fruits are restless in my big fruit plate.
"What, the fire dragon fruit has freckles." I told my mother about it, but she didn't believe it. I then held the fire dragon fruit in front of my mother, "I don't know if I don't see it, but I'm scared when I see it." my mother was stunned.
Before long, coconuts' hair grows longer and longer. Like a beard, pineapple is covered with zits, and the freckles of Pitaya grow darker and darker. It's horrible!
I couldn't bear to see the fruits suffering, so I took them to my fufu beauty salon. The first patient in the operating room, Ms. huolongguo, said, "doctor. You must help me kill freckles! "
我以为只是表面污染,先用水冲洗了一会儿、试图洗掉它们,没用。只好进入第二疗程:牛奶浴。我让火龙果女士在牛奶里沐浴十分钟,依然不管用。我只好用绝招了——“面粉美白驱斑疗法”,先滴“润肤油”,再撒“超人面粉”(以上均为独门秘制),十分钟,二十分钟……雀斑依旧。 下一位,椰子先生。椰子先生央求我:“医生,您一定要治好我的病!我本来就黑,‘汗毛’长那么长,不吓死人才怪!”我立刻为椰子先生修剪汗毛,可它的汗毛却疯狂地长着。我没招了。
Third, Miss pineapple. Look! Acne cleanser, acne remover, acne cream! Rub, rub, wipe, wipe Alas, acne is still "Youth".
The last way is to dissect. Now we can only use anatomy to find out the real "cause". With the fruit's consent, I started.
I picked up the coconut and dissected it. Wow, the coconut's blood is turning green. It seems that "blood" turns green is its important "cause". And "blood" turns green because "blood vessels and nerves" are polluted. Coconuts know the "culprit" before they die, and are willing to. Then it goes into the garbage can.
Pineapple is due to infection, allergies to grow a lot of "acne.". Dragon fruit is because of the intense ultraviolet radiation, it has been growing spots.
原来,这些水果都是受到了外界毒素的侵害才生病的,下此“毒手”的是来自外界的五万种毒素。经过我仔细调查,得知它们是由烟囱毒气以及种种污染气体等组成,说到底,都是人为造成的。 水果也进美容院,你没听说过吧!但如果你不想悲剧重演,请爱护你的家园!
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