

发布时间:2020-09-12  编辑:查字典英语网小编

高素质的人竟然也骂人。起初,我是有点不太相信,高素质的人本来让人羡慕的,因为他们既 (文明,又) 有文化, 又有体面的工作, 应该是 (好) 很文明 的人啊,怎么也会骂人呀?今天,我在“大洋论坛”里看到的一个贴子“两女子飞机上对骂 共用中英法日4种语言”真让我大跌眼镜。


The Post said that when a middle-aged woman and a woman got off the plane, because there were too many people, the woman squeezed the woman, but didn't apologize to the woman, so she hurried on. The woman was very angry, so she scolded the woman in "Japanese, French, Chinese and English", saying that she was of low quality! Women are not willing to show weakness. They also scold her in four languages. There are so many people in the airport and in any country. As a result, many people are attracted to watch. Isn't it ugly in this public?


When everyone is angry, hitting and swearing, for example, our teacher likes swearing, such words as "idiot, idiot, sick, nervous". So do the students. It's ironic to joke with each other. Maybe it's just in a small place. It doesn't matter. If you get into the habit of making a fool in public, it's the most terrible thing! Like the above example, many foreigners and Chinese in the airport have quarreled and destroyed our image of "a country of etiquette and ancient civilization", making the world ugly. That woman and woman's culture must be very high. Maybe they are masters and doctors. One thing is for sure, their accomplishment is absolutely poor! This kind of "high quality, low accomplishment" person I have heard for the first time!

我们都希望做一个高素质的人,但是仅有高学历是不够的,还要做个有修养的人,否则,即使是高素质,形象也会大打折扣哦。 (大家在公共场合一定要保持自己的好形象,做个有修养的人,不要随便骂人、说脏话,否则,可要出丑啊!)


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