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发布时间:2020-09-12  编辑:查字典英语网小编


Spring, summer, autumn and winter all have their own spirits. Yes? Do not believe it? Let me tell you something about it.


The spirit of spring is the flower spirit. Wherever it goes, there are blooming flowers. Once, she ran into a little rabbit. The little rabbit said to her, "flower fairy, flower fairy, will you give me a bunch of flowers?" The flower fairy pointed to the little rabbit's hand, and a bunch of beautiful flowers appeared in the little rabbit's hand. Those flowers are absolutely unprecedented to the little rabbit. The little rabbit said to her again, "flower fairy, you make the house I want to sell beautiful!" The flower fairy flies to the house to be sold, turns around, it is full of flowers, beautiful. "Little rabbit said:" flower fairy, you stay with me "No, I'll send flowers to others. Don't stay here long." "Then goodbye, goodbye." "Goodbye." The flower fairy is gone.


The spirit of summer is the rain spirit. Wherever he goes, it will rain. Once, he met a young tree that was dying. Didn't it rain where he went? So it rained here. Before long, the young trees were alive, and he said, "you stay here and give us rain to drink!" He said, "no, I have to moisten other creatures." "Well, see you then!" "Goodbye!" The rain elves are gone.


The spirit of autumn is the fruit spirit. Wherever she goes, there will be fruit. It can be any season. Once, she saw little monkey Dongdong. She saw Dongdong sitting on the tree with a sad face. It was obvious that there was something wrong with her. As soon as the fruit fairy asked, he knew that Dongdong loved to eat watermelons, because there were no watermelons in autumn, and the watermelons stored in Dongdong in summer were all broken, so he was very thin and could not join the fat monkey football team. Besides, he also made a bet on making watermelon milk candy. The raw material of watermelon milk candy is watermelon! The Spirit said, "don't worry, I'll help you." She pointed to the left and right sides of Dongdong's house with her fingers. The left and right sides of Dongdong's house were immediately filled with watermelons. The monkey thanked the fruit fairy, and the fruit fairy left.


The winter elf is a snow elf. Wherever he goes, it will snow. Once, he went to the tropics and saw that they were too hot to bear, so he sang: "snowflakes, snowflakes, you float fast, children and children, you wear cotton padded jacket --" it snowed immediately in the sky, and people in the tropics thanked the snow elves, and he also left.


Flowers, rain, fruits and snow are indispensable members of the four seasons of spring, summer, autumn and winter. They moisten the earth and believe that spring, summer, autumn and winter will become better.


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