In the morning, I said to my mother, "would you like to take me away from school for the last time today?" Mom said, "OK, this is a chance for you to exercise.". So a verbal agreement was reached between my mother and I.
第一次放学自己走路,心里还真是有些不安呢! 放学了,走在马路上心想:“要是遇到卖小孩儿的怎么办呢?”哎呀,不想这些了,我是男子汉,不怕这些!
But I'm still afraid. I know. I'm not afraid to think about interesting things. Besides, there are so many students and parents. But there was still some panic in my heart. As I was singing my children's songs, I walked home. Suddenly there was a man in black behind me. I was afraid that he was a bad man.
我心跳的越来越快了,心里乱糟糟的。后面那个人好像要跟踪我似的,走啊走,看看结果是怎样! 我深吸了口气,走到了十字路口,他还跟着我。等走到丁字路口时,黑衣大人终于拐弯儿了,我也终于松了口气。
After school, I was not afraid of going to school. It was the first time that I was given courage, which made me feel relieved on the way to school. This was the first time that I succeeded!
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