I am a nine-year-old boy. Now I am in the third grade of primary school. I have a bad temper and sometimes I like to cry. My hobbies? Let's use the three "fans" you gave me!
爸 爸叫我 “ 电脑迷”,因为我非常喜欢玩电脑,有一次我又在玩电脑,小姨在门外敲门我都没听见。我在电脑上养了“qq宠物”。我还时常想着它呢!
My mother called me "TV fan", because the TV is so good-looking, especially the cartoon, once it was too late to go to the toilet, I also want to watch it.
在学 校 的 时 候同学们都叫我“乒乓球迷”,下课铃一响我就冲出教室,去抢乒乓球桌。要是没有同班同学就和高年级的大哥哥来较量。
这 就是我。