For a few days, God did not know how tired it was. At a glance, the whole world was covered in snow and ice. The road was paved with snow. The house was made of snow. Even the bus arrived at the station on time seemed to be very heavy, struggling to move.
In the morning, standing at my door, I was enjoying this rare winter with snow. A snowball came and hit my back of the head. The broken "shrapnel" happened to penetrate my back of the neck. It felt quite cold. With the shaking of my butt, the shrapnel melted into my body instantly, and could not be found any more...... When I look back in anger, a familiar smiling face happily declares war on me: "cheyifan, have courage, let's fight snowball together, OK?"
这是我隔壁同年级的周雨述。我二话不说,趁他不备,快速地抓住一团雪,双手合拢使劲一按,操起这枚刚造好“子弹”朝他扔去,打他一个防不胜防,刚才的一张笑脸变成大花脸,他也顾不得他那张大花脸,一连扔好几个雪球并向我冲来,既然跑不过他,我顺势卧倒在雪地,躲过后面赶来的“炮弹”,因为他脸上的雪水融化,模糊了他的眼镜,他看不见我,反而放慢他的攻击速度,我连忙滚到旁边苗圃旁来作为我的城墙,捡起一块木板放在水泥台搭起我的炮台架,木板一侧堆上一些的雪球,看见他正慢慢地靠近,我用力按上木板的另一侧,说时迟,那时快,三四个雪球一起飞起来,有高有低,有大有小统统向他砸来,周雨述他来不及躲藏,又中一弹,这次打在他头顶,变成一个小“雪人”,我高兴手舞足蹈!正当我高兴不得了时,一个雪团击中我,我万万没想到他还有备用的“子弹”,以牙还牙,以雪还雪 。。。。。。。。
"Car Yi fan, go upstairs to do winter homework," my mother shouted on the third floor. I had to raise my hand to make peace, stop the snowball fight, pat the snow on my body, and reluctantly step up the stairs to go home, hoping to have a really happy snowball fight next time.
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