Everyone's birthday, birthday, or eat cake, or buy clothes, toys. But it's probably the first time adults and children fight on their birthdays!
That morning, many people in my family came to celebrate my birthday. They were very happy. But do you know that our group of young children are discussing a battle plan. What battle plan! Yes! You think, how strict and fierce adults are to us in a day. Today, anyway, it's my birthday. Let's get together and challenge them to see who is the best. Shh ~ ~ don't make a noise. We are going to take the beans back as weapons after eating the hot pot in the evening After careful planning and testing, we have four fighters, one commander, three people who rob beans, one who rob and beat. Me... Of course, it's the people who fight and rob. I don't know who said it. When the adults knew it, they didn't have any fear and agreed. So tonight, a fierce war between adults and children will begin.
晚上,我们各自找了一个单人沙发做”挡豆”吧!我向大家说:战斗开始!没 等我反应过来,对方的几颗豆子向我射老,我连忙一让,不好,又来了一颗,我急忙跑走,我东跑西摇,累的气喘吁吁,根本没有还击。哎哟,痛!我被几颗黄豆击中了,救生员急忙给我揉了起来,我的小脑筋转开了,我拿张报纸把头包着,豆子就打不到了,然后再还击,对!就这样!我换上新装备,打!打!打!大人们也不甘示弱,拿出秘密武器朝我方攻击,我们也胸有成竹的打呀!喊呀!大人们可能是被我们的威武吓到了,一点点的向后退,后退……最后终于举起了白旗,“我们胜利了!”我们高兴的手舞足蹈,兴高采烈。
After that, we all thought: the battle plan was successful, and the adults would never dare to bully us for no reason, and would not bully us for any more. Ha ha, you are so happy!