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发布时间:2020-09-09  编辑:查字典英语网小编

下 午,我和小伙伴们一起去菜地里观察蚂蚁。我抓了一只非常大的蚂蚁,把它关在了一个玻璃瓶里,然后边养边观察。因为它的个头特别大,还给它取了个名字叫“巨无霸”。


I found that the ant's mouth is different from ours. Its teeth are like a sharp machete. Maybe it's the machete that can better cut food and eat it. The body of a small ant is divided into three sections. The first section is its head, the second section is its abdomen, and the third section is its tail. It has eight legs, and the interesting thing is that it has two tentacles on its head. I think why does it have two tentacles? So I ran back to the vegetable field to find out. At that time, I found a little ant that there was a dead green insect in the field. It tried to move too big to move. At that time, it quickly turned around to find its partner. It used its tentacles to talk to its partners. After a while, I saw a little ant line up like a long black dragon and rushed to the green insect. Then, the big ant The family dragged hard together to move into the cave. I cried excitedly to my mother, "I understand that the antennae of ants are used to summon companions, and they are used to communicate."


By observing the ants, I also know a truth. Although the ants are small, they have great unity. No matter what we do, we can succeed as long as we work together.


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