

发布时间:2020-09-08  编辑:查字典英语网小编


"Ah, where's my car? I lost my car. " Mother cried in alarm.


"What's the matter?" The people next to me are also worried.


"I parked my car at the door of the shop opposite. It's still there. I just lost my license plate last night." Mom almost cried.


"I won't lose it, isn't the thief so rampant in the daytime?" No one thought it was possible.


Mom hurried to look around and called Dad. I hope dad left. But where is the car? Mom can't help it. An uncle rode a motorcycle to help us find it. After a while, my uncle came back. He said there was a car without a license plate in the distance ahead. Go and have a look. My mother and I rushed over. Oh, thank goodness, it's our car. We're relieved.


"Didn't you pull the handbrake tight when you stopped? It's downhill here. It's easy for the car to slide by itself. " Asked the experienced uncle.


"Yes, yes." My mother replied sheepishly.


"Fortunately, I haven't hit people or other buildings yet. Next time, I need to pay attention to that. When parking, the handbrake should be tightened, and the gear should be put into gear. On the level road and uphill, the gear should be put into gear. On the downhill, the gear should be put into reverse." Uncle is an old driver. He teaches his experience to my mother.


"Yes, I must pay attention."


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