

发布时间:2020-09-07  编辑:查字典英语网小编


(1) Visit Dajin Lake


Today, we embark on the Golden Lake, the first lake mountain in the world.


We took a boat to the first scenic spot - the park of wild interest. The only fun is to swing. I asked my aunt to swing high and high. It's really exciting!


The second scenic spot is Ganlu temple. Ganlu temple is supported by a pillar named Ruyi pillar. There are 101 steps to Ruyi pillar. The guide said, "when you go up, hold the pillar." I was the first to rush up and hold the Ruyi pillar, and then I quickly boarded the Ganlu temple.


The third scenic spot is the slanting line of sky on land - the slanting line of sky on land. There was thrill and excitement. We carefully lowered our heads, bent our bodies, supported the rocks and walked hard. After passing the land oblique line, I went to Shiliping lake. The Golden Lake tour ended happily.


(2) Drifting


"Wow, great! It's the first time in my life that I've been drifting in a bamboo raft. " I cried excitedly.


We sat on a bamboo raft and walked slowly along the stream. We listened to the boatman's explanation and enjoyed the scenery on both sides.


When the bamboo row is drawn to Xianyu gorge, it really starts "Xianyu". It's really a book!


Along the way, we heard the loud cry of cicadas. The boatman said, "the cicadas in the city are shouting: 'hot, hot.' Our cicadas here are called: "cool, cool."


When we got to the place where there was a water battle, others fought fiercely. Some of them used water guns, some of them used water scoops, and all of them became "drowned in soup". Because there is an old headmaster on our bamboo raft, my grandpa, who has not been wet all the way.


(3) You Zhaixia Grand Canyon


After breakfast, we went to the World Geopark, Zhaixia Grand Canyon.


In the car, I saw a billboard that said, "if you don't go to the Grand Canyon, don't say you have been to Taining. I think the Grand Canyon in Zhaixia must be spectacular.


We can't wait to rush in when we get to the Grand Canyon. It's really cool.


Into the canyon, surrounded by tall green bamboo, there are bamboo shoots!


Suddenly, my mother was surprised to find a "cicada" in the tree. She said excitedly, "I've got a cicada!" Take a closer look at the cicada's shell.


When we got to the fish pond, a large group of fish came around. An elder brother hurried to feed the fish. They were scrambling for food. Their stomachs were bulging.


Along the way, geological wonders - dome rock, Tongtian stele, Yanqi lake, etc. have a panoramic view, which is really worthy of "cave Museum, canyon grand view garden"!


下一篇: 雨浪滔滔

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