

发布时间:2020-09-07  编辑:查字典英语网小编


My brother's name is Zhu Xiaoyan, and his nickname is Xiaoxiao. This is because he likes to laugh very much. He is only one year old and five months old, but he can walk in ten months.


He has a pair of big eyes, but also very bright. Because as long as we take a look at him when we put things, he will be able to find them quickly and accurately next time. So I called him "Qianliyan". He has a sensitive nose. As soon as he smells the food, he can't wait to get the bowl and spoon in the kitchen. Xiaoxiao's stomach looks like a big watermelon when he is full. If you ask him where the watermelon is, he will point to his small stomach.

记得上次在麦香村总店, 我和妈妈正在买面包,笑笑突然不见了。这可急坏了我和妈妈,我们连篮子也没放下,就去找他,可找了好几遍,也还是没找到,真是急死人了。正在这时候,笑笑鬼头鬼脑的从门背后出来,突然大叫一声,我们看到他那滑稽的样子,真是又生气又好笑。


Xiaoxiao likes to drink milk most. Every time we go to the supermarket, we always need to buy some bags for him. Xiaoxiao also likes to drink Guozhen. She makes a fuss every day to make Grandma bubble. The imitation ability of smile is very strong. That time I put a blanket over my body and shook it, which made my smile fall. Smile and then according to my appearance jilt, but also a lot of things to blow down. It's also very funny. Sometimes it's funny. Sometimes it's a big boy walking in a big way. Xiaoxiao also has a very good memory. If he puts something on his own, he will have to find it in five or six days.


This is my little brother, who is funny and lively! Do you like him?


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