一天晚上我和我的同学郭华泽去院子里玩我和他高高兴兴下了楼我们急忙跑到喷泉那里喷泉喷很高很高像一条条直冲天的飞龙我和他直冲进喷泉里一冲进去眼睛都被水冲的睁不开呼吸都很困难我忍不住了我们急忙冲了出来衣服都湿透了突然又有我们班的同学拿着洒水枪洒我们俩我和他就使劲围绕着喷泉跑一直等他们跑累了我们就趁机逃跑我们跑到超市 郭华泽给我买上洒水枪灌上水跑到他们跟前一顿把他们洒他们就跑。
Suddenly, I thought I could go to the rockery. They all agreed. Then we went to the supermarket and asked the time. It was 10:30. They all said they were going home. They said goodbye and left.
I hope tomorrow, they all come down to play, I said a goodbye to them, I also left.