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发布时间:2020-09-06  编辑:查字典英语网小编


Little fairy Lina (1)


There is a little girl named Lina. She is nine years old. She is kind-hearted and quiet. She doesn't like noise, just peace. She has a pair of big eyes, a cherry mouth and two silky hair. It's so cute!

她的梦想是想变一个优秀又能帮人们的小仙女。她告诉了爸爸妈妈,爸爸和妈妈说:“这是不可能的,世界上根本就没有小仙女,你还是放弃吧!而且,你现在长得那么可爱、漂亮,要好好学习,长大干一番大事业。这样才有出息!” “一定有!一定有!你们不信的话,我。。。。。我会成为小仙女的!”丽娜理直气壮的说。爸爸一边叹气,一边说:“唉!孩子这脾气还是改不了呀!”


With that, Lina said nothing and went back to her room to sleep. Her parents couldn't help but go back to the room to sleep.


Little fairy Lina (2)


A week passed. One day, Lina went to the park after school. She found a glittering thing in the grass. She was curious, so she went to pick her up. It turned out to be a very small fairy. She became a little girl about the height of Lina.


Lina asked curiously, "who are you?" "I'm the grass fairy," said the fairy. Specially in charge of grassland. Who are you? " Lina said politely, "I'm Lina. Are you the only fairy? " "No," said the fairy, "there are also Fairies in the land, in the sky, in the house, and so on." Lina asked, "can I become a fairy?" "It depends on your wisdom and courage," said the fairy Lina said, "OK! With that, the fairy took Lina to a strange place.


Little fairy Lina (3)


There it is. The little fairy said, "you can get into the fairy kingdom from here." Lina can't wait to say, "I'm going in, too." The fairy took Lina and said, "I'll take you to the side of the road to test your wisdom and courage." With that, she took Lina to the road. To the road. Lina suddenly remembered that she forgot to go home to do her homework. She said quickly, "I'll go home first, and I'll come back on Saturday!" The fairy said, "remember! It's on the side of the road! " Lina said, "I see!" With that, she went home. And the fairy disappeared.


Little fairy Lina (4)


On Saturday, Lina and the fairy arrived at the side of the road on time. Lina said, "can we start?" "Yes," said the fairy Then the fairy said, "I'll go first. You should be careful by the road!"! If you want to come back, you will wait in the park. " With that, the fairy disappeared again.


Then, Lina saw an old man who was going to cross the road, but because he was blind, she couldn't see anything. When Lina saw it, she immediately helped her grandfather across the road. After crossing the opposite side of the road, the grandfather said: "it's very kind of you, little sister. Good people have good rewards. Goodbye! " Lina also said: "thanks for Grandpa's praise, goodbye!"


Then Lina saw that uncle cleaner was too busy, so she said to Uncle cleaner, "can I help you? Uncle cleaner. " Uncle cleaner said, "OK! I have another good helper. Why don't you help me sweep away the rubbish over there? " Lina said happily, "OK!" With that, she began to sweep the floor. After cleaning, the uncle of the cleaner said, "thank you, little sister!" "No thanks!" said Lina


Then she went back to the park and saw that the fairy was waiting there. The fairy said, "how are you?" Lina said, "very good!" Then she told the fairy everything. After hearing this, the little fairy said happily, "I just want you to be a talented person. Well, I'll take you to that place in the fairy kingdom first, OK?" Lina said happily, "yes!" With that, the fairy took Lina to a strange place.


Little fairy Lina (5)


When she arrived at the fairy kingdom, Lina was surprised. Because she had never seen such a beautiful place before. As soon as she came to the fairy kingdom, she cried out, "Wow!" If it wasn't for the fairy to cover Lina's mouth, Lina would have cried all the time! "Come! Come on up! " The fairy waved and beckoned Lina to come up. "Oh!" Lina said happily. "It's so nice to ride the magic broom..." Lina whispered. "Do you know it's a magic broom, too?" The little fairy turned her head and seemed to know that Lina was talking quietly, and looked at Lina and asked strangely. "How can we humans not know it! It's all written in the book, don't you know? " Lina said with a wry smile. "Yes!" "What's wrong?" said the fairy "No! No! " Lina quickly waved her hand.


However, due to the strength, it almost fell down. Fortunately, she was caught by the fairy. Otherwise, Lina would have died. "Be careful!" Said the little fairy, worried and kind. "Oh! To be honest, has the fairy kingdom arrived yet? " Lina said, touching her head. "Soon, soon." Said the fairy.


Little fairy Lina (6)


"Here you are, come down!" Said the fairy. "OK!" Lina jumped down happily. She looked around and felt fresh. "Go! Don't watch it. I'll see it later. " With that, the fairy took Lina's hand and walked to the gate of the palace. Lina walked into the palace, feeling like a princess, walking on a stone path......


"See the king." The fairy said respectfully, "see the king soon!" The fairy touched Bonnie's arm. "Oh! Refer to..... See...... Country..... Wang... " Lina is so nervous that she stammers. The king touched his beard and said, "little fairy, which bad kid did you bring this time?" The king seemed to have a joke with the fairies. "No! The king laughed. This time I'm here to be a fairy. Therefore, I am looking for your approval and approval! "


The little fairy seemed to please the king.


"All right! Don't be kidding. Talk about business! " The king changed from happy to serious. "You just said that this little girl is going to be a fairy, right?" The fairy also became serious and said, "yes, but it still needs your approval and approval." "Oh!" The king turned to look at Lina and said, "little girl, what's your name? How old are you this year? " Lina said with a smile: "Hello, king! My name is Lina. I'm nine years old this year. " "Hello! nice to meet you. But to be a fairy, you have to "What must happen?" Lina said eagerly.


"You have to be 18 to be a fairy." Said the king kindly. "Oh." Lina replied with her head down. The little fairy saw that Lina was a little disappointed and said, "Your Majesty, can you wait until Lina grows up?" "Yes, welcome back, Lina." The king looked at Lina happily. Lina squeezed out her last smile and said, "well, I'll come!"


Little fairy Lina (7)


Then, the fairy took Lina back to the real world. Back in the park, Lina said to the fairy, "I'll go home first. See you later." Said, then walked on the path which went home. "Wait." The fairy took Lina's hand and said, "I remember coming when I was 18! Don't be discouraged. The king said this for you. Keep working hard! " The fairy smiled at Lina. Lina said, "Well! I will. Goodbye! " Then, wave to the fairy. As Lina walked, she heard the fairy shout to her, "come on...".


When I got home, my mother asked, "honey, I'm back." "Yes." Lina came into the room. "What's the matter, baby?" Mother looked at her baby and felt very sad. "Nothing!" In order to prove that she had nothing to do, Lina made a smile to her mother and spit out her tongue. Mother saw Lina so happy, so she let go and continued to cook. Dad came out to his mother and said, "it's strange. I'm not happy for a while. I'm happy for a while." Lina said to her father savagely, "no!"


Then he made a face at his father and said, "it's your imagination." "Is it?" Dad said, touching his head. "All right! Come on, have a meal. " Mother said with a smile on her face. "Good!" Dad and Lina said in unison.


Little fairy Lina (8)


After dinner and bath, Lina is ready to go to bed after reading. She chose a book called magic school. Lina sat on the bed reading comfortably, all her troubles were thrown out of the sky, as if nothing had happened, and she was in a lot of good mood. Lina was born to read as if she were in the book. This is not, Lina saw ride magic broom thing, she then rode "broom" roam in "sky". Lina just wanted to turn. "Pa!" Lina fell on all fours.


It turns out that the floor is on the right. Lina was so obsessed that she didn't find it when she rode the broom to the edge of the bed. So, he fell. This sound attracted the attention of mom and dad. They heard "pa!" I'm sure I know something's wrong. Run to Lina's room at once, because the sound comes from Lina's room.


They opened the door and saw Lina fall on all fours. They immediately picked her up and carried her to the bed. Gently pull away her trouser legs, and see that the feet are already very serious, but also bleeding. So dad ran to the living room and brought the medical kit.


Little fairy Lina (9)


Mother took the potion and gently put it on Lina's feet. "Ouch!" Lina is about to jump in pain. "Honey, bear it, it will be OK soon. Bear with me Dad comforted Lina and stroked her head gently. After applying the lotion, my mother took another hemostasis stick and gently pasted it on Lina's feet. Lina just wanted to make a noise, but Dad covered Lina's mouth. Then, dad made a quiet action, and also made a sound of "Shhh".


Lina had no choice but to hold back her voice and lie down in bed. My mother said to Lina, "be careful in the future. Don't read too much! Does it still hurt? " "All right!" Said Lina in pain. "I'm afraid you won't be able to go to school tomorrow, so you can rest at home! Well, stop reading. Good night! " Mother said and closed the door of the room.


Lina thought: ah! Why did you fall again? Don't think so much. Go to sleep! With that, Lina turned off the lamp. She also whispered her blessing: "I wish the world a good dream!" Then Lina closed her eyes and fell asleep......


Little fairy Lina (10)


"Hello, Lina is up!" Mom pushes Lina. "Why do you have to get up early if you hurt your foot?" Lina said reluctantly, because she wanted to sleep more. "Oh! Come on, someone is coming to see you today. And it's special. " Mom already wants to lose her temper. "Oh!" Lina stretched, and her mother helped her to wear a short skirt, because Lina was inconvenient to move and her feet were hurt. Then, I took a hairpin to Lina and finished the dress. Lina then, as she used to, brushed her teeth, washed her face, and was ready to go out for breakfast.


My mother took Lina to the living room. "Auntie, let me help Lina!" From a friendly voice, Lina was curious about who it was. "Zhiwen, sit down." Zhiwen came to Lina and said, "come on, give me your hand and I'll help you." In my mother's mind, Zhiwen is like a powerful gentleman and Lina is like a beautiful princess. "Well, Zhiwen, I'll work hard for you today. Lina of our family, please. I'll go to work first. " Mother gave Lina's hand to Zhiwen.


"Don't worry, auntie. I will take care of Lina. She is the princess in our class. I will not let Lina lose a hair." There is a saying that zhibra has become a bamboo. "Mom, don't you have breakfast?" Lina said anxiously. "No, we have breakfast. Goodbye, Zhiwen and Lina! " Mother said with a smile. "Goodbye, auntie." Zhiwen pulls Lina out of the door and waves to Lina's mother.

“丽娜,我们现在干什么呢?”志文把丽娜扶到沙发上,转过头对丽娜问。“当然是吃早餐了,你不饿吗?”丽娜说。志文笑着对丽娜说:“好,美丽的公主有请。”“好啦,别跟我开玩笑了,来,一起吃吧!”于是,他们俩便开始吃起了香喷喷的早餐。 (待续)


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