秋天,花儿都枯萎了,可有的花却开的正欢。瞧!红红的鸡冠花,红色,白色的美人蕉好像在比美。还有各种颜色的菊花开的正欢,真美丽! 秋天,苹果,秋白梨,桔子和石榴都成熟了!稻谷也丰收了,一大片一大片远远望去,像一片金海。一阵风吹来,把稻谷吹的歪歪斜斜的,像大海起伏的DO浪。又一阵风吹来,稻谷摇摇晃晃,好像在对我鞠躬说:“小主人,今年秋天到了,我们又成熟了。” 秋天,落叶飞到啄木鸟妈妈的屋里,她把它当摇篮。落叶飞到小朋友的手里,小朋友把它当书签。 秋天真是个好季节。
国际英语资讯:Spotlight: Trump takes victory lap on impeachment acquittal by divided Senate
国际英语资讯:Moon says S. Korea to continue backing China on anti-epidemic fight
国内英语资讯:Chinas rural policy bank loans firms over 10 bln yuan to combat coronavirus
体坛英语资讯:Moyes returns to West Ham to replace Pellegrini
国内英语资讯:Chinese UN envoy refutes U.S. accusations over counter-terrorism in Xinjiang
体坛英语资讯:Inter Bratislava win seven in a row in Slovak Basketball League
国内英语资讯:China offers financial support to resume medical supplies production
国内英语资讯:Chinese hospitals discharge 1,540 recovered patients of coronavirus infection
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国内英语资讯:Vice premier stresses racing against time to treat patients
国内英语资讯:State Council circular calls for improving epidemic prevention, control
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国际英语资讯:Spotlight: Cambodian PMs special Beijing visit reflects nations profound friendship, sol
体坛英语资讯:Argentinian striker Cano joins Vasco da Gama
国内英语资讯:Chinese president discusses novel coronavirus control with Saudi king over phone
国际英语资讯:Palestinian gunman shot dead in Jerusalem: Israeli police
国内英语资讯:Factbox: Chinas fight against novel coronavirus outbreak
体坛英语资讯:Banska Bystrica up to second in Slovak ice hockey league
Shadow 背影
国内英语资讯:China invests 200 mln yuan to treat severe coronavirus infections
体坛英语资讯:Iran FA chief resigns amid health problems
What is Happiness 什么是幸福
国际英语资讯:Trump confirms AQAP leader killed by U.S.
体坛英语资讯:Colombias Junior secures striker Borja on loan
只会管爱人叫honey?这里有20种甜蜜昵称 拿走不谢!(上)
Excerpts from Lei Feng’s Diary《雷锋日记》节选十三
国内英语资讯:Intl community supports China in fighting novel coronavirus epidemic