那天,我和爸爸来到古镇西塘游玩。 我们走在一条长长的弄堂里,走到一半的时候,迎面走来了几位游客,我们都侧着身体才走了过去。 这条窄窄的弄堂就是镇上最有名的“石皮弄”。弄的两边都是高高的墙壁,最宽的地方也只有一米,最窄的地方才零点八米。
弄的路面上铺有一百六十六块石板,这些石板只有三公分厚,所以叫石皮,“石皮弄”也因此得名。 这条长一百多米的弄堂吸引了许多游客。
上一篇: 保护环境
下一篇: 我的学校
China's biggest knockoff?
Turn the corner
A means to an end?
老龄化现象The Aging Phenomenon
Put yourself in their shoes
Kicked upstairs?
Curb appeal
Best foot forward?
Context, in and out
Under the radar?
The play's the thing
《暮光之城》中的爱情观The Love Attitude From Twight
Public domain?
Between jobs?
A die-hard Teresa Teng fan?
Sweep it under the carpet
川普上位 加州要闹独立?
健康饮食 Healthy Diet
Punching bag?
Garden leave
Game changer?
Half full or half empty?
感谢信 Letter of Thanks
Equal to the challenge
Tempest in a teapot?
Have a leg up?
Threatened, endangered, extinct
Hard wired?