去年十二月二十六日发生了一件重大事情—印度洋苏门答腊岛附近发生了强烈地震,海啸在海啸中死亡的人已达十几万。我们从电视上看到那些死者家人在哭泣,我们非常同情他们,希望能象其他人一样捐款给灾民。 机会终于来了。一天,班主任问我们捐不捐款,捐的话明天早上带来。
We all shouted without hesitation: I donate 10 yuan, I donate 40 yuan, I donate 50 yuan, I donate all the pocket money At this time, I saw Xiao Dan's head lowered and he was silent. Xiaodan died when he was eight years old. His mother was a mental patient. She could only live on a hundred yuan subsidy from the factory every month. She ate tofu and vegetables every day. Many of her clothes and shoes were given to her by good Samaritans. I think: she must not donate. But the next day she came with five yuan. Five yuan is nothing to others, but to her it's equal to her five-day breakfast, or even five-day meals. Both the teacher and the students said, "Xiao Dan, your family is poor, so you'd better not donate." She said, "no, I want to donate. I have food and a home every day, but the victims have no food and no home." When everyone knew that the five yuan money was from her rags, the students all clapped and some of them shed tears.
It's so moving. I'll never forget it.