Hello everyone! My name is Huang Jing. I'm a lovely third grade girl. I wore two black braids, two small eyes under the rare eyebrows, and a cocky nose and a talkative mouth below. As soon as this mouth opens, it will pop out a long speech, which often makes people impatient.
我的个子很高,在班上排第三。因为身短腿长,跑得快,耐力好,所以总在学校的各年级运动会上得奖。 我的脾气不大好,一有人说我的缺点,我就不高兴。班上的男生都有些怕我。第一,我跑得快,常常追得他们喘不过气来;第二,我有一双尖底鞋,只要把鞋底给捣蛋鬼们看一下,马上吓得他们不见踪影。 上课时,我总是坐得端端正正;下课时,我活泼又开朗,逗得同学和老师哈哈大笑。 这个学期要完了,老师要在各位同学的素质报告册上写评语。
I guess it's hard for the head teacher to write my comments, because sometimes I'm introverted, sometimes I'm cheerful, and my personality is uncertain!