

发布时间:2020-08-29  编辑:查字典英语网小编


It's sunny today, the second day of our military training. In the afternoon, there was a fierce tug of war in our six classes in grade three. All the students came to the playground cheerfully to get together and prepare for the game.

按照要求,每班选二十人,十个男孩,十个女孩。其余的站在比赛场地的两旁当啦啦队。比赛场地放着一条又长又粗的绳子,中间用红绳绑着一根红线,红线两边距离相同的地上各划了一条红线。 比赛就要开始了,我们班先和四班比,结果我们以2比0胜出。决赛了,我班与二班争夺冠军。小运动员们个个精神抖擞,生龙活虎,紧紧握住大绳,把嘴闭得紧紧的,两腿前后叉开,后面的同学微微下蹲。我们班的大力士李得胜在后面拽住绳子,一个顶三个呢。前面还有几个大力士当前峰。我想二班上次是我班的手下败将,这次也不会例外。还没等我想完, “嘟”的一声哨声,决赛开始了。大概我班同学都有我的想法,结果第一局我班输了。


The second round began again, only to hear the instructor say: prepare. With a whistle, the players on both sides were biting their teeth, leaning back and pulling out with all their strength. Cheerleaders on both sides shouted to cheer on. The faces of the students on both sides were red, and drops of sweat were dripping down their foreheads. Some clenched their teeth, some closed their eyes, and tried to pull back as hard as they could, leaning back, as if they wanted to pull the rope in one breath. From time to time, the cheering students' faces showed the expression of "happy, angry, sad and happy". The red line moved to our side at one point, and was about to win. Suddenly Zhang Chengtao in my class nearly fell down when his foot slipped, and our team was in a mess. Class two took the opportunity to pull hard and won the second set.

看着二班的同学那响亮的欢呼声。我们同学摆出一副不服输的样子。 这次拔河比赛,使我明白了团结力量大不能轻敌的道理,我永远也不会忘记这次拔河比赛。


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