Drizzle rustle, rustle in the full concentration of reading I can't read, I can't be bothered to say: "you can't speak a little less voice!" Mother said, "who spoke loudly? It's raining outside." "It's raining"? I asked my mother, and she said, "yes! It's raining outside. I don't believe you to go out and have a look. " I went out. It really rained. It was drizzling.
我跑道雨地里,雨水把我的鞋用湿了,凉丝丝的真好玩。这时,妈妈出来说:“你怎么不带伞?”我说:“不想带!” 可是,妈妈非要让我带上伞,我不高兴的说:“好,好,我进去!”不一会儿,雨停了,想起下雨的时候,我还有点依依不舍呢! 啊!我爱“贵如油”的春雨!