从前,鹅不是现在这样的,以前没有鹅,只有一群鸭。 有一天,有个人买了一只鸭子,还想给家里买块布,他选了几十家,最后在一个非常大的布店里找到了他喜爱的布,那儿的布可真多啊!有红的、蓝的、绿的、黄的,多的让人目不接。
At this time, the duck saw that there were many white pigments in a big box. When the duck saw the white color he liked, he jumped into the box. The man who bought the cloth couldn't catch it. After that, the duck was covered with white color. The man who bought the cloth was very angry. He hit a stick on the duck's head, and a big red red red bag appeared on the duck. The duck quacked with pain Call, jump into a pile of yellow mud, duck's feet dyed yellow.
Later, the duck was no longer called a duck, but a goose, and its children and grandchildren became geese.
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