今天下午,晴空万里,第11届学校运动会开始了,我们班参加了实心球、50米赛跑、立定跳远这三个项目。按照老师的安排,由我带着一队同学到50米赛跑现场去为我们班的运动员们加油鼓劲,我们带着写有“三年二班加油”的红旗兴冲冲地往操场赶。 50米赛跑马上就要开始了,运动员们摩拳擦掌,各自做着准备工作。
The competition that Zhuang shini of our class participated in is about to start. At the referee's command, the athletes rush to the end like arrows leaving the strings. At the beginning, everyone is equal to each other. In a short time, Zhuang shini gradually falls behind others. Our hearts are tightened and we all shout together: "Zhuang shini, come on! Zhuang shini, come on! " Zhuang shini heard that and made great efforts to catch up, but because she lost too much at the beginning, she only got the fifth place in the group, but we believe she has tried her best.
当我们回到班级的时候,老师隆重地宣布:“李雅颖获得实心球比赛冠军,庄铭哲获立定跳远第一名、吕丹妮获得50米赛跑冠军!” 我为他们感到骄傲,更为班级感到自豪!