What a fine day this morning! The sky is blue, the clouds are light, and the sun is shining.
我和外公、外婆、舅舅、舅妈,还有表姐陈玢、表弟陈诺一去“九峰动物园”观看大象表演。 我们兴高采烈地来到动物园里高大的“大象馆”。真好大象表演开始,伴随着欢乐的乐曲声,驯兽员穿着华丽的服装坐在大象身上出场了,在人群中我们不约而同鼓起了掌!
大象真大,身子简直是一堵高大的墙,长长的鼻子像救火用的水管,两个耳朵像两把巨型扇子。 第一个节目是,驯兽员脚踏在象的鼻子上,而将头伸进大象的嘴中,让在场的人看得目瞪口呆。然后,在大家的掌声中,驯兽员轻快地跳下地。
The second program is the elephant walking on a single wooden bridge. I think it's not easy for us to walk on a single wooden bridge, let alone a heavy elephant? And the elephant is "heavy" rather than "stupid". You see, it walked steadily from the single wooden bridge.
第三个节目最有意思,是大象踢球,大象一脚把球踢得无影无踪,大家看得哈哈大笑。 最后一个节目是大象用鼻子喷水,只见大象将吸满水的长鼻高高举起,一转身水像救火的水龙头那样喷射出来,许多人的身上、脸上都满了水,但大家不仅生气,反而欢天喜地,高兴得手舞足蹈!
Ah! I almost forgot. I haven't introduced this new elephant to Nanping "Jiufeng zoo"! It's recently introduced from Thailand. It's just nine years old and weighs two and a half tons. Its appetite is very good. It needs to eat at least ten kilograms of green grass and ten kilograms of radish every day
对了。看完了有趣的大象表演,我们也该回家了! 拜拜——拜拜!
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