It was a day in 2060, because I didn't attend any meetings or do anything important, I had nothing to do at home. Suddenly, I heard the voice of the president of the earth. I quickly turned up the voice of the computer pager. I heard the president say, "today is the 10000 birthday of mother-in-law of the moon. You should be the representative of the Republic of the earth to send a birthday gift to the moon. This is the money to buy a gift for mother-in-law of the moon." A hundred thousand dollars came out of the fax machine.
我去买了些月亮婆婆喜欢吃的德芙巧克和旺仔牛奶,又买了些月亮婆婆爱吃的零食和补品,钱正好用完。 我拿着礼物来到了自家的飞碟上,输入了月亮两个字,飞碟马上起飞了。五分钟后,我拎着大包小包来到了月亮的家,另外的星球代表的礼物都是什么工艺品、健身器、水果和钻石礼品。 月亮婆婆要切蛋糕时,我发现她用的是旧式的刀子,连忙从口袋里掏出智能小刀,对月亮婆婆说:“月亮婆婆,这是我们星球最新发明的智能小刀,它能按照人的数量准确地切蛋糕,您试试看吧!”月亮婆婆拿起智能小刀,放到蛋糕上,小刀自己把蛋糕切成七份,我对婆婆说:“您如果觉得好,那就送给您吧。”月亮婆婆笑眯眯地收下了小刀。
The birthday party is over. I find it very happy today!