One thing, more than a year ago, is still fresh in my mind.
那是一个阳光明媚的日子,妈妈带我一起逛街。回来的路上看见有一群人围成一堆,好像出了什么事!走近一看,原来是一位老大爷被车撞了,可肇事司机却逃之夭夭。老大爷说:“我是来找我儿子的,在公交车上碰到扒手被偷了钱,下车又被车撞,只有儿子的单位电话,可又没钱打电话……”。围观的人都很同情他,有的马上拨了他儿子的单位电话,有的塞给他一些钱,妈妈也拿出了一些钱,我赶紧送给那位老大爷…… 这时,人群中走出一位瘦小的叔叔,一把扶起老大爷往自己的车上送,嘴里说:“别再多说话了,赶紧上医院吧!”顿时,我觉得叔叔那瘦小的身影变得高大起来。看看那感人的一幕,我的心也不由自主地热了起来。 “还是好人多啊!”这是老大爷后来一直重复说的一句话。
After this incident, I have been thinking: now we advocate "five stresses and four beauties", and China has a 5000 year history of civilization, how can there be those thieves? What about people like the driver? Shouldn't those cold-sighted bystanders blush for their indifference?
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