It's autumn. The persimmons are ripe. My mother and I came to our persimmon garden to fight for persimmons.
还没到柿园,远远地就闻到一股使人陶醉的清香。走进柿园一看,啊!沉甸甸的柿子像一个个红灯笼一样,压弯了树枝。“今年的收成可真好呀!”我情不自禁地说。“是呀!”妈妈拿来一个小梯子,笑呵呵地说,“来,我们开始摘吧!” 我们选了一棵稍微矮一些但很粗壮的柿树,妈妈架好梯子,让我爬上去摘柿子。 我提着小篮子快速地爬上树,迫不及待地摘了起来。一开始,由于我的力气太小,所以摘不下来。后来,我慢慢地熟悉了摘柿子的方法,力气小也没关系,只要一手托住柿子另一只手紧紧地捏住柿子的蒂,然后转动一下,再往下一拉,它就下来了。这下,我开始摘得得心应手了。
Soon, the basket was full of ripe persimmons. How attractive the red color is! It must be delicious. I just wanted to take one, but I remembered that my mother was firmly opposed to my unwashed fruit at ordinary times, so I retracted my hand. I look at my mother, who is smiling at me. "Look, mom, here comes dad!" Taking advantage of my mother's turn, I immediately picked up a persimmon, peeled it off and ate it with great relish. "Where's your father?" Mother turned to ask, when I was eating, she said with a smile, "little greedy cat!"
Ah, autumn is so good. You can eat sweet persimmons.