After school this afternoon, my class and class 6 of three years held a tug of war on the playground. The cheerleaders of our two classes are sitting by the playground, ready to cheer for the game.
The PE teacher said, "Xiao Hong, you are the referee." And the hands of the small red flag and whistle to the small red. As soon as the whistle rings, the game begins.
双方的队员都使劲地拉着绳子,我们班的同学们使出了吃奶的力气往后拉。两班的啦啦队高声喊着:“加油!加油!” 双方的队员都像勇猛的“斗牛士”,各不相让,双方不分胜负。看来,我们得想个办法才能取胜。大家蹲下身子,咬紧牙关,站稳脚跟,拼命的往后拉。这时候,对方的绳子有点摇动了,我们乘此机会使劲往后拉,绳子向我方移动、移动!。突然,小红吹响了哨声,我们班赢了!我们班赢了!
Everybody is very happy, this is really an exciting competition!