

发布时间:2020-08-22  编辑:查字典英语网小编

姓名:傅唯贤 性别:与爸爸一样 年龄:(1+1+1+1)×2 属相:凶猛的老虎 文化程度:小学 模样:圆脸低鼻子像奶奶,浓眉毛大眼睛像爸爸,中等个头。


Advantages: I like astronomy and history. I am fascinated by astronomy books at first sight. Sometimes I can read them for several hours in a row, but I don't think it's enough. I have learned how to operate the computer, but I can only turn it on and off, type in pinyin, read online composition and play chess on the Internet.


In short, I have many advantages. By the way, I forgot to tell you that I am still a very diligent boy. I often help my mother with housework at home, such as sweeping the floor and washing the dishes. However, when my mother sees that I do housework, she generally does not praise me and often criticizes me, saying that I am "not diligent in what I should do, but diligent in what I should not do." I don't understand. Isn't it good to be diligent?


Of course, people must have shortcomings, and I am no exception. My shortcomings are: delicious and playful, timid, sometimes not listening to adults. I have another shortcoming, that is, I love to make trouble with my mother. I often deliberately make trouble with my mother, such as: get up in the morning, do not go to wear their own clothes, make trouble for her to wear.

每到这时,妈妈总会赶忙帮我穿,于是,下次我还是继续闹。可是有一天,突然大祸临头了,正在我闹着要妈妈给穿衣服时,爸爸看不下去了,向我连吼了几声,并揍了我一顿,从那以后,我一般不敢再故意闹妈妈了,你说我这不是自作自受吗? 啊,时间不早了,也不和你多说了,再见。


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下一篇: 妈妈的爱

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