

发布时间:2020-08-22  编辑:查字典英语网小编


"Only a mother is good in the world. A mother's child is like a treasure..." When I hear this loud and deep song, I think of my mother's love for me. My heart is like the waves of the sea, which cannot be calm for a long time.


When I was a child, I was weak and ill. I often had a cold and a fever. I remember once, I was fine in the daytime, but in the middle of the night, I suddenly had a high fever. When I took my temperature, it reached 40 degrees, which made my mother cry (at that time, my father was teaching in the countryside, only my mother and I were at home). Mom bent down and said, "come on, son, mom will take you to the hospital." My family lives in the courtyard of the county Party committee. In the evening, the iron gate will be locked. In the middle of the night, my mother called for a long time. The guard Leng didn't get up to open the door, but she was worried. "What to do? What can I do? The child's illness cannot be delayed. " My mother decided to let me get out of the hole under the door first, and I risked my life to turn over the iron door. After that, my mother said several times that she didn't know how to climb out. To the hospital, the doctor diagnosed as acute tonsillitis, need to be hospitalized for hanging needle. When the needle went into the back of my hand, my mother closed her eyes, just like the needle went into my mother's heart. After settling down, my mother used cold towels for cold compress and repelled mosquitoes for me. She was very busy. Suddenly, somehow, my hands and feet twitched violently, and my mother cried out with a cry: "doctor, doctor, come on! What's the matter with my son! " At the same time, hold me tightly in my arms as if someone would take me away. After some emergency treatment, I was able to settle down.

第二天早上我醒来看见妈妈的眼睛红红的,我这才明白妈妈昨晚守了我一夜,为我担惊受怕了一晚,一夜没合眼呀! 妈妈虽然爱我,但从不娇纵我。我犯了错,妈妈不姑息我,总是耐心地教导我,直到我认识了自己的错误。从小妈妈就让我自己的事情自己做,穿衣洗脸洗小手绢,甚至让我独自一人上书店去买书买文具。


If I compare my mother's love to YINGSHANHONG, it is so gorgeous and so red; if I compare it to Xiaohe, it is so long and so clear. Mother, I love you forever!


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