My name is Li Jiawen. I'm 9 years old. I'm in the third grade of Yuexian primary school in Huashan Town.
我个子矮矮的,有一头乌黑亮丽的头发,一双水汪汪的眼睛和高高的鼻子,一张樱桃小嘴。 我是一个性格活泼开朗的小女孩。 我很热爱学习,上课时认真听讲,积极思考问题,作业也能按时完成,在班上是个好学生,是班长和语文科代表,还是学校的卫生检查员。每年都被评为三好学生和优秀班干部,平时也爱帮助同学,所以老师选我当她的小助手。 但我做作业、考试时比较粗心大意,经常被老师批评。我以后一定会改正这个缺点的。
I also love sports, especially playing badminton, because I want to grow up to be an outstanding badminton player, like the Olympic athletes, to win honor for our motherland, let our five-star red flag flutter in the air, this is a wonderful thing! But what I am trying to do is to study hard so as to realize this good wish.
This is me. I'd like to have more friends with me.