期中考试结束了,学校组织去“和平公园”游玩。星期四的晚上我就激动得翻来覆去睡不着觉。一大早就催爸爸快送我去学校。 去游玩得路上,同学们你说我笑,整个车厢内充满着轻松欢快的笑声,我和金意文一起做着猜谜语游戏。过了不久就到了“和平公园”。
一踏进公园,好像进入了仙境,视野开阔了许多。高大的樟树一排又一排,郁郁葱葱;月季花张开了笑容,仿佛在迎接我们的到来。梧桐树已感觉到秋天的来临,金黄色的叶子洒满一地,在微风的吹佛下发出沙沙的响声,又像蝴蝶翩翩起舞。同学们有的划起了小船,有的在大草坪上放起了风筝,有的开动着碰碰车。这时金意文说:“我们快去看海狮表演吧!” 海狮表演馆可大呢,水池足足有篮球场大,清澈如蓝的水平静得好像一块镜子。水池的左边挂着一只黄色的小球,中间挂着两个大圈。右边挂着一副瀑布的图画。一会儿,水池四周喷出了清澈的水,那水喷向了那瀑布的图上,看上去像真的一样。
Then the trainer led a sea lion onto the stage. It's funny that sea lion walks like a duck. This sea lion is called Miss Lily. She is just like a gentleman. The eyes are black, the beard is long, and the body is fat. First of all, she performed the Chinese Kungfu "handstand foot clamp ball". She stretched out her hand, propped up her bulky body, caught the round ball with her legs, and then jumped into the pool. Then I imitated crocodile swimming, which was so funny and lovely. We applauded her more and more, she was more and more energetic, she jumped out of the water from time to time, sometimes rowed up the steps, sometimes somersaulted
We reluctantly left the sea lion praise hall, and reluctantly left the peace park. The autumn tour time of one day is too short. Jin Yiwen said with a bitter face, "I haven't finished the homework assigned yesterday, or I won't be able to hand it in tomorrow..."
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