My surname is Shi. I was born on the same day as Mao Zedong, and I was born in the morning. Therefore, my grandfather named me Xudong. I am nine years old. I am in class one, grade three of Yifu primary school.
我的头又大又圆,像个皮球;眼睛不大不小;鼻梁低低的,好像不小心让车子碰了一下;我很胖,肚子又圆又大,像个大西瓜。 我喜欢游泳、打电脑、画画、踢足球------- 我很喜欢游泳。今年暑假,我报了游泳班,学会了仰泳、蛙泳、自由泳。开学了,我还想继续学,我爸爸妈妈怕耽误我学习,不给我报名,我还跟他们闹了几天。
However, my favorite is to play computer. My father sells computers. I began to learn how to play computer with my father when I was more than four years old. Every day I pester my mother to let me play computer. My mother always said that it's OK to play computer, but I have to finish my homework. I just want her to do her homework first. Sometimes I am too infatuated with the games on the computer, and my homework is not well written, which often makes my parents angry. Once, when I finished my homework and went to the cottage to have a look, my father deleted all the games on the computer, and I cried loudly with anger.
最后爸爸说如果我表现好就把游戏再装上,我才不哭了。 我的理想是长大当一个发明家,发明很多东西,让祖国富强起来。
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