我的妹妹名叫刘楠。胖胖的脸蛋、又大又黑的眼睛、扁扁的鼻子、大耳朵,她扎着一对小辫子,走起路来,甩来甩去。真可爱! 夏天,她爱穿黄色的裙子、胸前还有一朵大红花,在家里她喜欢穿红颜色的睡衣。 别看她小,她的爱好可多了!她今年才八岁,刚读一年级。
She is already a little talented woman. Can play the piano, can dance, can draw, can type. She is also very fond of reading. She has to read one or two books every day. Sometimes her mother told her to eat, and she continued to read as if she hadn't heard. His faults are carelessness and carelessness. She had an exam and could have got 100 points, because carelessness only got 94. She was scolded by her father when she went home. Her strength is patience.
她做一件事都要做好为止。她在班里还是个班长,还拿过很多奖。 我觉的她真棒!连我也要向她学习。