In April and may this year, China is facing a sudden war - "SARS". In this war without smoke of gunpowder, the bravest ones are the angels in white who are fighting against the non first line. They have made unremitting efforts to save the lives and help the wounded, and to solve the disease problems for the whole nation.
在人类最需要帮助的时候,他们挺身而出,不畏死亡,他们是这场战斗中最可爱的人,我真心的对你们说一声:“谢谢!你们辛苦了。” 白衣天使们忘我工作的时候一定深深的明白,自己随时都可能被感染,随时都可能会倒下。
But you still stand up, stick to your post and regard saving people as your duty. Do you remember the hero Zhong Nanshan? He is very old, still like the young people, fighting against SARS day and night in the front line, setting an example for the angel in white. It's hard to imagine how many medical staff can't enjoy the happiness of family with their families during SARS. On the other side of the world, they can only send their thoughts by phone. They often cry at both ends of the phone. We need to know that they do this, but for the happiness of thousands of families!
“凶残的非典”选择了人类,而白衣天使没有选择退缩,没有选择放弃,他们选择了奉献,甚至牺牲,他们的选择是伟大的,正是他们的无私奉献,才最终战胜了“非典”,赢得了胜利,同时他们也受到了人民的称赞和爱戴。 白衣天使——我爱你们。